What To Expect When Filing A Workers Comp Claim
https://youtu.be/D5D_Yp6XMLY Host: In this week's Know Your Rights.…
Katherine sheds light on the importance of photographs when it comes to accident scenes and injuries
https://youtu.be/z8RWzloTQp4 Host: We are continuing our discussion on…
Katherine clears up some questions about wage reimbursement and personal injuries
https://youtu.be/gcnp8J8qgMg Host: So you've probably seen the…
The importance of forms upon returning to work after a Workers’ Comp case
https://youtu.be/7rMa1sjWxr8 Host: If you're headed back to work after…
Why honesty is the best policy when it comes to Workers’ Compensation claims
https://youtu.be/YrJ2pdN26V4 Host: You know, we teach our kids every day…
The importance of dates when it comes to getting your Social Security Disability
https://youtu.be/afxmp6Hyqe8 Host: Well, it's a new year and a new date.…
Katherine explains why you should not be scared to file a Workers’ Compensation claim
https://youtu.be/kEVEt7EYzSU Host: Fear of retaliation from an employer…
Learn more about how Injury Florida Law Firm is giving back to the community for the holidays
https://youtu.be/3LXgq8wY0iY Host: Katherine Stone, from Injury Florida…
Katherine introduces her new law firm
https://youtu.be/oKqjcZHtdWQ Host: We are so thrilled that she’s…
How They Determine Your Average Your Average Weekly Wage
https://youtu.be/vhk823prAI4 Oftentimes, when I sit down with a client, in an…