Anna Katherine Stone recently appeared on ABC Action News WFTS Tampa Bay's Morning Blend to explain that the demand period in Florida has increased from 30 to 90 days.

Legislature Changes Impacts Injured Party in Personal Injury Claims Transcript: Did you know that…

Black car dashboard.

Florida Workers Compensation Mileage Reimbursement and Transportation Services

If you have been injured on the job and have to attend medical appointments or…

Yellow semi traveling down a road with the sky and clouds in the background.

What Do You Do If You Get Into A Truck Accident?

Getting into a car accident of any kind can be devastating, and an accident…

Two cars in an accident.

What is PIP Coverage and What Does It Pay?

In the state of Florida, Personal Injury Protection, commonly called PIP…

Boat on the water.

Injured In A Boating Accident?

Boating accidents are a common occurrence in Florida where year-round boating…

Woman holding a baby.

Can Dependents Of Disabled People Also Receive Benefits?

If you have a disability and aren’t able to work, it can be challenging to take…

Smoke on a black background.

Receiving Workers Comp For Secondhand Smoke Exposure

No workplace is completely immune to accidents. Some jobs, like construction,…

Injured person.

Repetitive Motion Injury Lawsuits

A repetitive motion injury can occur when a person performs the same task over…

Persons arm that is wrapped up from an overexertion injury on the job. The other hand is holding pills.

What are Overexertion Injuries?

When you hear the words “workplace injury,” you probably imagine an accident of…

Bookshelf full of books about Florida Law.

Workers' Compensation Law in Florida

“Workers’ compensation” refers to a set of laws that govern how workplace…