

We are so thrilled that she’s back to help you know your rights! But now she’s opened her own law firm to serve those injured on the job, and those injured due to negligence. Often, others who are denied Social Security disability.


Welcome back, Katherine Stone. Doing it all! How are you?




I’m great! I’m very excited to introduce my new firm.




I’ll say! This is so exciting for you, and we’re excited to see you grow. And we’re talking everything new, new location. What do people need to know about this big change?




Well, I have opened up an office in Tampa. It’s on South West Shore, at 3310 South West Shore Blvd. And, you know, we also have the ability to meet with clients pretty much all over the Tampa Bay area, with different remote virtual offices.


I also have instituted – one of the things I’m really big on is technology. You know, clients want things as easy as we want things, as well. So my case management system actually has a client portal.


So clients can actually go in and actually see exactly, day to day, what’s going on with their file. They can see documents, they can see scheduled events, they can communicate directly through the client portal.


So it’s really been an awesome addition to working with my clients because there’s immediate access and they know exactly what’s going on with their case.




From your work before, and you joining us on the show, I learned how deadlines and the timeframe. . .








. . .people have a lot of questions. It can sometimes be lengthy. So I’m assuming this portal is able to answer these questions, and some people are feeling a little insecure about what’s going on.




Exactly, and I even have it set up to where they’ll see all the court dates and they’ll know whether or not they need to attend, or whether or not it’s just the attorney who needs to attend. But they’re still seeing it and they’re still seeing their case moving.


You know, a lot of times some clients don’t wanna keep calling and asking what’s going on with their case, so it’s a great way to still keep in touch with the client and keep them up to date on what’s going on with their file.




I love this! And as I was just kind of introducing you, we talked a little about workers’ comp and disability, and social security. It seems like those are the topics we’ve covered with you before.


And I know. . .especially workers’ comp, for instance, I know you’re very passionate about helping people out there who need assistance with these long processes.




Right. And so I’m still handling, as always, workers’ compensation. Anyone that’s having, you know, difficulties with the workers’ comp system, maybe not getting the treatment or the benefits that they’re entitled to, and are interested in wanting to settle their cases.


And then also, those individuals that have been denied Social Security disability benefits. You know, I’m writing appeals, and writing pre-memorandum hearings all week long with regards to this.


And then obviously, people who’ve been injured in auto accidents slip and falls dog bites, any other kind of negligence due to someone else. Or something else.




You know, I don’t know if we’ve ever been able to talk about your experience and your résumé a little bit, but let’s dive into that right now.




So, I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Mississippi, and then went to law school in Texas, at South Texas College of Law. Got my law license in 2002 and took the Bar Exam, and became admitted to the Florida Bar in 2002. And I’ve pretty much been handling workers’ comp, Social Security, and personal injury since 2003.




And it’s so great, what I’ve learned, to have somebody like yourself on people’s sides. Because, all of those topics, people try to sometimes go at it alone. But you fight for them.




And – correct – and a lot of times, as I’ve talked about before, all three of those comingle, and I know how to, you know, navigate the waters with all three of those.




There you go. Give Katherine a call today! Again, new law firm. Lets go ahead and share that information so people can get in touch with you. There it is, on your screen, the Injury Florida Law Firm.


Of course, Katherine Stone will take care of those topics we just covered. Or, if you just have a quest in general, she’s also great to get in touch with.


Katherine, we are so glad you’re back on the show with us. We look forward to seeing you in upcoming weeks as well. Thank you so much for your time.




Thank you.


On screen:



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