Legal Insightsfrom Injury Florida Law Firm
Does Investment Income Affect My SSDI Application?
When you apply for disability benefits through Social Security and you’re approved, certain life circumstances will determine whether you…
Can I Receive Disability Benefits For Obesity?
A common source of confusion for people applying for Social Security disability is the way that disability is defined by Social Security,…
Can I Afford An Attorney For My Disability Application And Hearing?
When you first apply for Social Security disability, you’ll want to prepare for a series of long waiting periods, which can be quite…
What Is an ABLE Savings Account?
For people receiving disability benefits through Social Security, money is often tight. Paradoxically, though, earning more money can…
How Your New Car’s “Black Box” Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case
When you hear the term “black box,” you might not know what it does, but you probably know what it is. It’s that seemingly indestructible…
Are Drunk And Distracted Driving Accidents Legally Different Than Regular Accidents?
With the recent crackdown on texting while driving in Florida, the dangers of distracted driving have gained renewed attention. Until…
What To Do If You’re In An Accident With No Health Insurance
Few things in life are more stressful than getting into an accident, especially one that leaves you with serious injuries. But if you don’t…
Car Accidents Peak In The Summertime: Here’s How You Can Avoid Them
In Florida and most other states, summertime is a highly anticipated season. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when car…
Click It Or Ticket: 4 Reasons Why Everyone In Your Car Needs To Use Their Seatbelt
Despite advances in technology that have made driving safer than ever, wearing a seatbelt is still the most important thing you can do to…
Who Is An Insurance Adjuster And How Do They Affect My Personal Injury Case?
For some types of accident, a person who sustains injuries can’t just file a lawsuit and can be done with it. For example, Florida’s…
What Is A “Catastrophic” Injury?
Personal injury law hinges on the idea that when you hurt someone, that person is entitled to some form of compensation. This doesn’t mean…
What Defines “Distracted Driving” In Florida?
As of July 1st, texting while driving is a “primary offense” in the State of Florida. This means that drivers can now be pulled over and…
5 Things You Should Never Do Behind The Wheel (Besides Texting)
Driving is one of the most dangerous things that we do on a daily basis, and most of us don’t fully realize it. Even if we take basic…
Working With Animals? How To Receive Workers Comp For Bites And Other Injuries
If you work with animals, your risk of physical harm is not insignificant. Every day, animals cause serious injuries to people, even those…
Receiving Workers Comp For Secondhand Smoke Exposure
No workplace is completely immune to accidents. Some jobs, like construction, are known to be especially dangerous, with high rates of…
Teaching Your Kids To Never Text And Drive
In the era of smartphones, texting is often more popular than talking on the phone, especially with young people. And while neither is safe…
Why Fatigue Is Dangerous On The Job
No matter what your job is, there’s some risk of having an accident or injury. Every day, workers get hurt on the job, even if they think…
Differentiating Between Workers Compensation And Personal Injury Cases
Generally speaking, a person who is injured has the right to seek compensation, and the person who caused the injury is responsible for…
How “Positioning” Can Drastically Change Your Disability Claim
A lot goes into successful disability claim. But there’s something that can have a drastic impact on the outcome of your disability claim,…
Should I Try To Work While Waiting For My Disability Hearing?
The period of time between the onset of disability and your first Social Security check can be quite long, even if you’re approved the…
Avoiding SSDI Issues After You’ve Been Awarded Benefits
When people lose their ability to work because of a serious medical condition, trying to make ends meet is a challenge in itself. Social…
Receiving Disability If You’ve Suffered From Drug Or Alcohol Addiction
The consequences of addiction can be devastating, not only for the people with addictions, but for their family, friends and communities.…
Helping A Family Member Who Is Losing Their Vision
As people get older, they sometimes notice changes in our eyesight, short-term memory, and other faculties that they took for granted when…
Why Was My Disability Claim Denied If My Doctor Agrees That I’m Disabled?
The benefit programs that Social Security offers to Americans with disabilities are important. They allow people to continue living…
Helping A Family Member Receive Disability Benefits For Alzheimer’s And Dementia
Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are heartbreaking, and they take a special toll on caretakers. Often, these caretakers are family…
Ethical Obligations Your SSDI Attorney Must Follow
When you’re applying for disability benefits through Social Security, there’s a lot of red tape that most people find confusing. Even in…
Premature Births Can Be Caused By Medical Malpractice: Here’s What To Do
The birth of a healthy child is a time of celebration, and doctors will go to great lengths to ensure that the delivery goes as smoothly as…
Do I Need An Attorney To File A Disability Claim?
Applying for social security disability benefits can be difficult and complicated. This is especially difficult considering that those are…
What Is Residual Functional Capacity And How Does It Affect My Disability Claim?
Because of how variable disability can be for different people, the SSA will have to look closely at your individual level impairment to…
What Is Technical Denial When Applying For Disability?
To determine if your disability is severe enough to prevent you from receiving a substantial income, the Social Security Administration…
How Your SSDI Benefit Amount Is Determined
SSDI is a disability benefit program for people who become permanently disabled after establishing a long work history. SSDI is funded by…
What The SSA Needs To Know About Your Past Work Before You Receive Disability
Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration come in two forms: SSDI and SSI. These programs are similar in that they are…