Legal Insightsfrom Injury Florida Law Firm
What The SSA Needs To Know About Your Past Work Before You Receive Disability
Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration come in two forms: SSDI and SSI. These programs are similar in that they are…
Disability Benefits For Veterans With PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a debilitating condition that sometimes results from exposure to a traumatic event. This…
How The SSA Determines If You’re Disabled
The benefit programs that Social Security offers to people with disabilities can be life-saving. Many people served by these programs can…
What To Do If Your Child Is Injured During Sports
No matter how much you may want to, you can't watch your child twenty-four hours a day. Even the best parents have children who get hurt.…
What To Do If A Loved One Has Suffered A Life-Altering Injury
If one of your loved ones has suffered a life-altering injury, you may both feel helpless and unable to cope. You may find yourself in a…
4 Mental Illnesses That Qualify You For Disability Benefits
The range of disabilities that qualify people for disability benefits is extensive and includes many conditions that you may not expect…
Why You Should Seek Medical Attention Immediately If You’ve Been Hurt On The Job
Employees who are injured at work, or while performing work-related duties, are covered by workers’ compensation. This is a type of…
4 Reasons Your Workers’ Comp Claim Could Be Denied
Workers’ compensation covers a wide range of work-related injuries. While many individual claims are denied, workers’ compensation law does…
How To Ask For A Second Opinion To Avoid A Misdiagnosis
If you've been given a serious medical diagnosis, you know it can be difficult to process. You may seem to feel every emotion at once, or…
3 Signs You Should Ask For A Second Opinion When Receiving A Medical Diagnosis
Despite the years of training and education required for a medical degree, doctors are still human, and they still make mistakes. This can…
4 Most Hazardous Jobs In Florida
There's no workplace that's completely immune to the risk of injury. Even jobs that people may not think of as especially hazardous, such…
How Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?
Losing your ability to work is a stressful experience for anyone, but it’s especially hard if you have family members who depend on the…
How Do I Meet the Earnings Requirement for Disability Benefits?
SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance, which means that, like other forms of insurance, its purpose is to protect the…
Different Classifications of Disability Benefits
Disability affects many people in many different ways. Some people have limited mobility and require the use of a wheelchair, or other…
Can I Lose My Social Security Benefits?
Getting Social Security benefits can be a long and arduous journey. When a disability is stopping you from working, the stress of trying to…
The Differences between Social Security and Supplemental Security Income
Disability affects people across all ages and walks of life. While many of us may save for retirement or take out insurance policies, no…
5 Reasons Your Workers’ Comp Claim Could be Dismissed
If you’re concerned about having your workers’ compensation claim dismissed, rest assured that most workplace injuries are covered. Even if…
Common Injuries that Can Be Sustained from a Desk Job
When most of us think about workplace safety, we probably don’t think about the hazards of using a keyboard, filing paperwork, or sitting…
What is the Statute of Limitations in Workers’ Compensation Cases?
Dealing with a work-related injury can be frustrating, as well as financially devastating. Workers’ compensation is supposed to protect you…
How to Know if Your Injury is Covered Under Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system designed to assist employees who have been injured on the job, without the need for a lawsuit.…
5 Tips to Stay Safe in a Hazardous Work Environment
No matter where you work, the possibly for a workplace injury is there. Even at a desk job, you’re exposed to some degree of risk. Keep…
Can You Sue If You’re Injured Due to a Recalled Product?
Recalls of defective or dangerous products are commonplace, and seem to be on the rise. Some companies have been forced to stop selling a…
What is Medical Malpractice
Being a doctor comes with a great deal of responsibility. As the patient, you’re trusting the doctor with your health and, in some cases,…
What Do I Do If My Doctor Fails to Diagnose Me?
Doctors have a great deal of responsibility. When you consult a doctor about a health concern or problem, you’re entrusting them with your…
Steps to Recover Financially After a Stay in the Hospital
After an accident or injury of any kind, the health of those involved is the highest priority. Depending on the severity of the injuries, a…
The Dangers of Using Social Media When You’re Pursuing a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Social media can be a wonderful thing. It can keep you connected with people you don’t see very often, and it can help you make new…
What Conditions Qualify for Disability Benefits?
Social Security offers benefit programs for people with disabilities, provided that they meet certain eligibility criteria. Recipients must…
How Do I Apply for Disability Benefits After an Accident?
While many people who survive an accident will eventually recover, some people are never able to return to their normal activities. A…
Disability Benefits for Mental Illness
Mental illness is poorly understood by many people. In popular culture, people with mental illnesses are frequently dehumanized, or…
Receiving Disability Benefits for Cancer Treatment
Many people think that the term “disability” excludes illnesses like cancer. This may have been true throughout much of history, but things…
How can an Attorney Help with my Social Security Benefits?
Social Security benefits are intended to benefit people who are unable to work because of a permanent disability. Many of these people have…
4 Injuries that May Not be Covered Under Workers’ Comp
The scope of worker’s compensation is very broad and covers nearly every type of workplace injury that can occur. While many injured…